Eating too much “Vitamin C” can be harmful to the body.

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Vitamin C is a vitamin that has been discussed for its benefits and ability to nourish the body. Many people get vitamins from their diet. and from various dietary supplements, it seems that one day one may even get too much vitamin C. And if our body has Eating too much vitamin C How will it be detrimental to your health ? Let’s find the answer with this article from Hello Doctor.

Eating too much "Vitamin C" can be harmful to the body.

Vitamin C and the body

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a nutrient that is essential for growth. Development and repair of various body tissues. Moreover, vitamin C is a nutrient that has been classified as one of the nutrients that are safe and highly effective for the สมัคร ufabet body. Vitamin C helps relieve cold symptoms. Prevent various complications and strengthen the immune system. Prevent heart and blood vessel disease Has the ability to create collagen. stimulate iron absorption It helps in healing wounds, nourishes bones, cartilage, and teeth, and is also beneficial to skin health.

Eating too much vitamin C What are the negative effects?

Vitamin C is a nutrient that provides benefits and does not cause any harm to the body because it has been classified as the safest nutrient. Therefore, eating more vitamin C than the amount the body should receive each day. It will not cause the body to develop any serious disease. Even though the body is not affected by the disease But getting too much vitamin C It still has negative effects on the body as follows:

Adverse effects on the digestive system Because having too much vitamin C may cause the body to not fully absorb or not absorb it. And this unabsorbed vitamin C causes irritation to the digestive system. The body has too much iron. Vitamin C acts to stimulate the absorption of iron. When there is too much vitamin C, it stimulates the body to absorb more iron as well. Risk of kidney stones When there is too much vitamin C The excess that is not absorbed is excreted as waste. This waste is at risk of causing kidney stones.

In addition to the aforementioned risks There are other negative effects that may occur as follows:

  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating
  • Stomach cramps
  • feeling sick to the stomach
  • dizziness
  • vomit
  • stomach ache
  • cannot sleep

How much vitamin C is considered too much?

In general Eating vitamin C in the right proportion The amount of vitamin C that the body should receive each day has been determined. For males, they should get 90 milligrams of vitamin C per day. And for females, they should receive 75 milligrams of vitamin C per day. Adults should receive 2,000 milligrams of vitamin C per day. But if the body receives more vitamin C than recommended It may have negative effects on the body as mentioned above.

And the proportion of vitamin C intake in each age group is as follows:

  • Children aged 1-3 years should receive 15 milligrams of vitamin C per day.
  • Children aged 4-8 years should receive 25 milligrams of vitamin C per day.
  • Children aged 9-13 years should receive 45 milligrams of vitamin C per day.
  • Females aged 14-18 years should receive 65 milligrams of vitamin C per day.
  • Females aged 19 years and over should receive 75 milligrams of vitamin C per day.
  • Males aged 14-18 years should receive 75 milligrams of vitamin C per day.
  • Males aged 19 years and over should receive 90 milligrams of vitamin C per day.

Vitamin C  is a nutrient that provides value to the body that should not be lacking in vitamin C. However, of anything that is too much or too little It will always cause negative effects. Therefore, taking the amount of vitamin C at the recommended level and in a proportion that is sufficient for the body. Therefore, it is considered safe and has the highest value for the body.